Oh My Bliss Of Life !

Oh My Bliss - Varun Katti


Your smile is like a sunshine bliss,

Which gives me a ray of hope.

We were just kids, with those tiny shoes.

And a decayed broken tooth.

Being scattered we were just 9 years old,

In that tinder age we grew up with a mold.


You left school all of a sudden the next year,

I never knew, I could meet you ever.

I still remember many changed their schools,

And many transferred and disappeared like molecules.

Years passed, we all recall those memories now,

Those memories bring back you in my thoughts, like wow.


We came across each other after 13 years’ way down,

At first asking each other “do you remember me and our hometown?”

We shared our talks, Expressed our thoughts.

Dreaming about a life that we ever want,

We spoke about our past life in a blunt

Days past you ended up your feelings for a glunt.


I started liking you, because you want to live a life,

Thought not to approach in a rush like a pointing knife.

I know it’s not a time to fall in love at a growing midlife,

I to want to live to the fullest, this dream life,

As much I know there in nothing called afterlife.

I don’t want this life to be easy but want it to be like wildlife.


Not everyone dreams about making a house and a family,

I like the way you want to hustle for your life badly.

I want to approach you one day boldly.

Let us not think about this right now deep and deadly,

I wish this desired life should not end up wrongly.

Oh My Bliss, I swear, I wish for now we can stay friendly.


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